Coaching Philosophy
Coaching is different from therapy, spiritual direction, or mentoring. It is a journey focused on helping you discover your potential and connect you with the gifts within you to navigate the path ahead. Through the coaching relationship I am committed to creating a mindful space with you to explore your inner and outer journey and address your specific personal or professional goals. My purpose as your coach is to come alongside you in that journey to offer support, encouragement, and discernment that will allow you to discover the best way forward to reach your goals and discover your true desires.
Throughout our coaching relationship, you can count on me to show up by being fully present, helpful, and straightforward. The power of the coaching relationship does not come from the coach but can only be granted by you. It is your journey and, ultimately you are responsible for creating your own results. In the poem ‘The Seed Cracked Open’ the Sufi mystic Hafiz asks: ‘God, what love-mischief can ‘We’ do for the world today?’ I understand the coaching relationship as one that helps you discover the ‘love mischief’ God is up to in your life!
If you are interested in having me as a Coach join you on your journey of discovery I would love to do so. I am in the process of being certified with the International Coaching Federation and can coach both individuals and groups around whatever issue may be important to you or your community at this time. Reach out and we can set up an initial conversation to explore the coaching relationship and how it can be of benefit to you.
1001 New Worshiping Communities COach Network
Since 2018 I have been the Associate for Coaching for the 1001 NWC movement in the Presbyterian Church (USA). In my role I connect over 100 coaches of diverse background and experience to new church leaders around the country. I have also been coaching new churches for 10 years bringing my experience as church planter and pastoring Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community for 15 years. In this capacity I can help you get connected to an amazing coach to help your community. Whether starting out or in need of revitalization I can help get you connected to a coach today!
Spiritual Formation
Contemplative Practices
In a world filled with noise Christians may be now more than ever open to experiencing the rich tradition of mystical practice that includes silence, solitude, and meditation. Using techniques such as Centering prayer I seek to explore these forgotten and recently rediscovered aspects of our spiritual experience that we might more fully know their transforming power in our lives. I completed the Shalem Institutes Transforming Community: Leading Contemplative Prayer groups and Retreats in 2019.
Minute of Silence Contemplation Videos
Ignatian Spirituality
Ignatian Spirituality helps develop an interior freedom and spiritual indifference that helps us deal with the disordered attachments we develop in our life. I first discovered these Ignatian principles when I went through the Spiritual Exercises he developed. I have now been certified in leading others through the Spiritual Exercises by The Pneuma Institiute. From practicing a daily Awareness Examen, to the understanding that all things are for the greater glory of God, St. Ignatius has a lot to teach us on the spiritual journey.