Spiritual Exercises
Ignatian Spirituality helps develop an interior freedom and spiritual awareness that helps us deal with what St. Ignatius called the disordered attachments we develop in our life. The exercises are a series of contemplative practices and scriptural meditations that St. Ignatius developed over the course of his life. The exercises are done in 4 movements or weeks. While they can be done in a month long retreat, most people do not have a month to devote to that journey. Another way of taking the retreat is to do the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL). This is a 9 month journey that involves meeting with a Spiritual Director once a week.
Jeff has been certified in leading SEEL by The Pneuma Institute. He offers the Spiritual Exercises to individuals and for groups. If you are not interested in the 9 month journey there are shorter retreats using the exercises that are 6 & 12 weeks long.
Icon written by Sandy Monier
Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life
(9 Months)
This journey will take you through all 4 weeks of the Spiritual Exercises. Each week you will be given a new set of exercises to explore in the week ahead. You will meet weekly with Jeff for a 30-40 minute session to reflect on the past weeks exercises and receive direction for the week ahead.
Next Group Retreat: Starts Fall of 2023
email to sign up or for more information
First Spiritual exercises Retreat (6 weeks)
This is a shorter experience and a great introduction to St. Ignatius and the exercises using the book The First Spiritual Exercises: Four Guided Retreats. This can be done as an individual or with a group.
Finding Christ in the World (12 Weeks)
This is a deeper dive into the exercises that follows the Ignatian workbook entitled ‘Finding Christ in the World: A Twelve Week Ignatian Retreat in Everyday Life.’
Next Retreat:
Fall Cohort 2023: Sept - Nov
email to sign up or for more information
Below is a guided way to reflect on your day that St. Ignatius called The Spiritual Examen.