1001 New Way Podcast - A conversation that includes 2 of my all time favorite Hot Metal stories: The Lady in the Window & The Best F-bomb Christmas Pageant Ever!
Through the Kaleidoscope Podcast - A conversation with Author Beth Jefferies about the intersections of faith and doubt and finding hope in not knowing all the answers.
1001 New Coaching Associate - Article from when I became Coaching Associate for 1001 NWC.
Ministry is not about Success but Faithfulness - Article from Presbyterian News agency about Disciple Making Conference where I was speaking.
Abide and Let Go - Article from Presbyterian News agency about Disciple Making Conference where I was speaking
The Play’s the Thing - Wall Street Journal article about Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community from back in the day!
Twist of Faith - One more old school article about the beginning of Hot Metal from Pittsburgh Post Gazette.
New Wilmington Mission Conference
New Wilmington Mission Conference - John the Baptist